Women’s Concealed Handgun Permit


April 9, 2025
9:30 AM-5:30 PM
Register Here!

Category: SKU: WCHP-04-09-2025 Tags:


Dedicated for women, our Women’s Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) provides comprehensive training and instruction in pistol safety and operation in addition to what you need to know to carry a concealed handgun in Colorado (legally and practically). Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive the certificate necessary to apply for a Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) in Colorado.

Exactly the same content as our coed courses, these classes are taught by certified NRA instructors who believe that every woman should be able to protect herself and her loved ones, without having to deal with the typical “gun shop” attitude that only deters from equipping the citizen.

Topics Covered

  • Reasons why to carry a handgun in society and why not to
  • Handgun safety
  • Choosing a handgun and ammunition
  • Legal use of deadly force in Colorado
  • Local, state, federal laws and reciprocity
  • Carrying concealed in the real world — tips, tricks and gray areas
  • Carry methods that are both reasonable and effective for everyday life
  • Live-fire instruction and practice for safety, accuracy and comfort with your pistol

Required Equipment

  • Quality, working, serviceable pistol.  Please bring your pistol to the course unloaded and in a case.  If you do not own your own pistol, rentals are available for an additional fee.
  • 50 rounds of ammunition (Factory produced ammo only.  No home reloads allowed due to insurance.)
  • 2 magazines (minimum)
  • Eye and ear protection – If you do not have your own, loaner eye and ear protection will be available.
  • Baseball style hat to keep brass from getting behind your eye protection.
  • Personal food – Bottled water will be provided and you are welcome to eat during the classroom portion as we will not take a formal break for lunch.
  • Appropriate clothing (i.e. closed-toe shoes, pants, long sleeve shirt without low neckline).


Liberty Firearms Institute
4990 Ronald Reagan Blvd
Johnstown, CO 80534


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Event Details

Date: April 09, 2025

Start time: 09:30 a.m. MDT

End time: 05:30 p.m. MDT

Venue: Liberty Firearms Institute, 4990 Ronald Reagan Blvd Johnstown, CO 80534

Phone: 970-578-0717 x 108

Email: [email protected]