R100: Tactical Rifle 100


March 30, 2025
9:30 AM-5:00 PM
Register Here!

Category: SKU: R100-03-30-2025 Tags:


This course will build your rifle shooting fundamentals and basic skills with the tactical rifle. This course focuses on the AR-15/M4 weapon system but you are allowed to use the AK-47 if you choose. Using the “crawl, walk, run” philosophy, students will learn and practice basic and intermediate tactical rifle skills and shooting fundamentals both in the classroom and on the live-fire range. You are welcome to bring and use an electronic optic but you must be able to remove it and have serviceable iron sights.

The class is taught by Makhaira Group certified NRA instructors in a safe and professional classroom and range.

Topics Covered

  • Firearms safety
  • Fundamentals of shooting
  • Ammunition ballistics
  • Disassembly and assembly
  • Mechanical operation
  • Care and cleaning
  • Zeroing iron sights
  • Tactical carry and employment
  • Use of cover
  • Tactical reloading
  • Marksmanship and accuracy improvement
  • Malfunction clearance (Stoppage drills)
  • Tactical gun-handling
  • Simulated stress fire

Required Equipment

  • Good working, serviceable AR-15/M4 with installed shoulder stock and adjustable tactical sling
  • 300 rounds of rifle ammunition (Factory, non-steel core ammo only for indoor courses.  Please check your ammo if there is any question.  Additionally, no home reloads allowed due to insurance.)
  • 3 magazines minimum and method of carry**
  • Eye protection (clear or yellow for indoor courses)
  • Ear protection (electronic preferred)
  • Baseball style hat (to keep brass from getting behind eye pro)
  • Personal food (optional).  Beverages will be provided and while we will not take a formal break, you may eat during the classroom portion if you choose.


Liberty Firearms Institute
4990 Ronald Reagan Blvd
Johnstown, CO 80534