Church Plans

House of Worship

We believe people need and have the right to find a place of worship that meets their ministry needs and, of course, is safe to do so. Bad behavior exists in the world… the Church can help change people with ministry and relationships. Makhaira Group would like to help you create a safe environment for worship since bad behavior can follow those in need of ministry. Assessing your current security condition is a first step to providing a safe environment of worship. Security in a church doesn’t have to equate to “secret service” style methods but rather a ministry by those in your congregation with a heart to help protect and minister while creating an environment that is safe and friendly. Training your teams to smile and be friendly while maintaining situational awareness to help prevent or de-escalate bad behavior that may disrupt your ministry to visitors and your church family. The following are ways we can help:


The Security Assessment uses a structured, formal analysis process that allows us to develop a deep understanding of your organization, operating conditions, ministry culture, and unique security risks and threats.

  • We visit your service and sit through and experience your ministry.
  • We interview your team (you choose who is interviewed).
      • Evaluation of present security policies and programs and identification of any weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
  • We tour your facility.
      • Risk identification and analysis with threat and vulnerability assessment
      • Review of safety, security and evacuation plans.
      • Survey of exterior and interior of site.
      • Review of physical security devices and systems.
      • Identification of likely security risks and potential threats.


Training existing ministry teams to be watchful and create policies/procedures to enact when bad behavior shows up.

  • Ushers and greeters
  • Child care
  • Youth ministry
  • Staff

C.A.R.E. team

Creating and training a C.A.R.E. team (Comfort, Assist, Respond, Engage) with the sole purpose of being friendly and confident while supporting your other ministry teams. Ready to de-escalate and ensure your congregation is truly a safe place to worship.

Policies & Procedures

Creating policies and procedures that are practical, relevant and safe to protect your everyday handling of people, their children and the offerings they provide to the church.

  • Working with minors
  • Offering procedures
  • Evac and lockdown/lockout
  • Acts of Violence (run, hide, fight)
  • Risk management and insurance