R300: Tactical Rifle 300


June 21, 2025
2:30 PM-6:30 PM
Register Here!

Category: SKU: R300-06-21-2025 Tags:


Tactical Rifle 300 is an advanced skill level course where even minuet improvements in your technique will lead to major increases in outcomes. You will learn inhibited equipment manipulations and how to clear equipment malfunctions while physically impaired. You’ll learn how to improve your presentation speed and accuracy to a level that would amaze the wild west pros, a level you never believed possible.

This class is taught by NRA certified instructors with military, special operations or high-level law enforcement experience.


Completion of Tactical Rifle 200. A pre-approved course/recommendation from a reputable instructor may also be considered. Students failing to meet and maintain our safety requirements and/or who cannot meet and immediately demonstrate the minimum skills required for the specific class may be removed from training. Please ensure you have read through the class description and fully understand our prerequisites before registering. Current military, government contractors and LEO please contact us to see if you qualify for this course.

Physical Requirements

Each student must be able to:

  • Run 100 yards in full gear
  • Do 25 consecutive push-ups in full gear
  • Do 25 jumping jacks in full gear

Topics Covered

Tactical problems will increase exponentially in complexity. In this advanced course, you’ll have many more tactical live-fire courses, shooting under stress, and tactical decision making scenarios. Increasing existing skill levels, acquiring new skills, less time, more targets, tactical decision making, higher standards of proficiency, and more instructors make Defensive Pistol 3 a very rewarding experience. This course is a fast-paced, hands-on, live-fire course utilizing the pistol as the primary and only weapon that focuses on dynamic movement and accurate, surgical shooting. Even if you have taken this course in the past, you are going to want to come back again. This course is constantly evolving as we add new drills, skills, and scenarios

  • 360 degree control of the gun fight
  • Extreme close range engagement
  • Non-traditional gun fighting
  • Shooting on the move
  • Advanced barricade shooting
  • Shooting from a vehicle (stationary and moving)
  • Advanced stress-fire situations
  • Engaging multiple targets from varying angles
  • Multiple target types (paper, reactive steel, and exploding)
  • Methods for increasing speed and accuracy
  • Communication and movement between partners
  • Rapid threat analysis and acquisition
  • Strong and reaction side shooting
  • Advanced vehicle tactics

Required Equipment

  • Good working, serviceable AR-15/M4 with tactical sling.  If you wish to us a different weapon system, please contact us before registering for approval.  Class 3 and suppressed weapons are permitted (please bring appropriate paperwork).
  • 300 rounds of quality rifle ammunition (Factory, non-steel core ammo only. Please check your ammo if there is any question. No home reloads allowed due to insurance.)
  • 3 rifle magazines minimum with carrier (belt, thigh or chest carry). It is recommended you bring as many magazines as you would normally carry in your gear.  Please do not load your magazines beforehand as we will be doing different load-outs at the beginning and throughout the day.
  • Eye protection.
  • Ear protection (electronic preferred).
  • Knee or elbow pads (optional but recommended).
  • Gloves (optional but recommended).
  • Baseball style hat (to keep brass from getting behind eye pro).
  • “Battle rattle” or advanced load out (optional)


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Event Details

Date: June 21, 2025

Start time: 02:30 p.m. MDT

End time: 06:30 p.m. MDT

Venue: Great Guns, 16126 Co Rd 96, Nunn, CO 80648

Phone: 970-578-0717 x 108

Email: [email protected]