R200: Tactical Rifle 200


June 14, 2025
2:30 PM-6:30 PM
Register Here!

Category: SKU: R200-06-14-2025 Tags:


This course builds on Tactical Rifle 100 and will take your tactical shooting skills to a whole new level. The course focuses on the AR-15/M4 weapon system but you are allowed to use the AK-47 if you choose. Continuing in the “crawl, walk, run” philosophy, students will learn and practice intermediate and advanced rifle skills and shooting fundamentals on the live-fire range.

This class is taught by NRA certified instructors with military, special operations or high-level law enforcement experience. By registering for this course, you agree to our Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy.


Completion of Tactical Rifle 100. A pre-approved course/recommendation from a reputable instructor may also be considered. Students failing to meet and maintain our safety requirements and/or who cannot meet and immediately demonstrate the minimum skills required for the specific class may be removed from training. Please ensure you have read through the class description and fully understand our prerequisites before registering.

Topics Covered

  • Firearms safety
  • Fundamentals of shooting
  • Tactical carry and employment
  • Methodology of shooting the tactical rifle
  • Use of cover
  • Tactical reloading
  • Marksmanship and accuracy improvement
  • Malfunction clearance (Stoppage drills)
  • Dynamic movement
  • Engaging multiple threats
  • Shooting from unorthodox positions
  • Shooting from the vehicle
  • Simulated stress fire
  • Tactical gun-handling
  • Weapon retention

Required Equipment

  • Good working, serviceable AR-15/M4 or AK with installed shoulder stock and adjustable tactical sling
  • 400 rounds of rifle ammunition (Factory, non-steel core ammo only.  Please check your ammo if there is any question.  Additionally, no home reloads allowed due to insurance.)
  • 3 magazines minimum with method of carry (belt, thigh or chest carry)**
  • Eye protection
  • Ear protection (electronic preferred)
  • Knee or elbow pads (optional but recommended)
  • Gloves (optional but recommended)
  • Baseball style hat (to keep brass from getting behind eye pro)

You are welcome to bring and use electronic optics but you must be able to remove them and have serviceable iron sights.


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Event Details

Date: June 14, 2025

Start time: 02:30 p.m. MDT

End time: 06:30 p.m. MDT

Venue: Great Guns, 16126 Co Rd 96, Nunn, CO 80648

Phone: 970-578-0717 x 108

Email: [email protected]