P200: Defensive Pistol 200


August 2, 2025
9:30 AM-1:30 PM
Register Here!

Category: SKU: P200-08-02-2025 Tags:


This course expands on Defensive Pistol 100 and will truly take your tactical pistol skills to the advanced level.  Continuing in the “crawl, walk, run” methodology, students will learn and practice intermediate and advanced tactical pistol skills both in the classroom and on the live-fire range. Formerly our Tactical Pistol 2 course.

This class is taught by NRA certified instructors with military, special operations or high-level law enforcement experience.


Completion of Defensive Pistol 100 or Basic Pistol 102. A pre-approved course/recommendation from a reputable instructor may also be considered. Students failing to meet and maintain our safety requirements and/or who cannot meet and immediately demonstrate the minimum skills required for the specific class may be removed from training. Please ensure you have read through the class description and fully understand our prerequisites before registering.

Topics Covered

  • Reasons why to carry a handgun in society and why not to
  • Handgun safety
  • Choosing a handgun and ammunition
  • Legal use of deadly force in Colorado
  • Local, state, federal laws and reciprocity
  • Carrying concealed in the real world — tips, tricks and gray areas
  • Carry methods that are both reasonable and effective for everyday life
  • Live-fire instruction and practice for safety, accuracy and comfort with your pistol

Required Equipment

  • Quality, working, serviceable pistol.  Please bring your pistol to the course unloaded and in a case.  If you do not own your own pistol, rentals are available for an additional fee.
  • 50 rounds of ammunition (Factory produced ammo only.  No home reloads allowed due to insurance.)
  • 2 magazines (minimum)
  • Eye and ear protection – If you do not have your own, loaner eye and ear protection will be available.
  • Baseball style hat to keep brass from getting behind your eye protection.
  • Personal food (optional).  Bottled water will be provided and you are welcome to eat during the classroom portion if you choose.  In addition to periodic short breaks, there will be a formal one hour break.
  • Appropriate clothing (i.e. closed-toe shoes, pants, long sleeve shirt without low neckline).


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Event Details

Date: August 02, 2025

Start time: 09:30 a.m. MDT

End time: 01:30 p.m. MDT

Venue: Great Guns, 16126 Co Rd 96, Nunn, CO 80648

Phone: 970-578-0717 x 108

Email: [email protected]