Long Range Precision Rifle 100 & 200


July 25-27, 2025
Levels 100 & 200
Register Here!


This 3-day, intermediate/advanced level rifle course is designed to give the long range marksman (both hunter and range shooter) the knowledge and skills necessary to employ the rifle system accurately and effectively at ranges beyond what you are accustomed to. This is not exclusively a tactical course nor is it a Hunter’s Education course.  The Long Range Precision Rifle Course is designed to provide the student with a solid core foundation of the fundamentals of marksmanship and an understanding of the basic principals and theories required to establish precision at extended ranges. Lead instructors are all current/former military and/or law enforcement long range marksmen with real-world operational experience.


While extensive, prior experience with the precision rifle is not mandatory, each student will be expected to possess and consistently demonstrate basic firearms handling and safety skills (knowledge of which is required prior to attendance). If you are a beginner, we recommend taking one of Scoped Rifle courses prior to this course. Student’s wishing to sign up for the Long Range Precision Rifle 200 level course must have completed Long Range Precision Rifle 100.

The 100 & 200 Level courses will be run simultaneously. When registering you will course which course you are signing up for under the “Course Name” field.


This all inclusive course will be held at Spur Outfitters located in the center of the beautiful upper North Platte River Valley near the small ranching communities of Saratoga and Encampment, Wyoming. Students registered in the class will stay in the Elk Hollow Lodge. Meals are included with your registration!

Required Equipment

  • Precision rifle with scope.  Minimum caliber 6.5 Creedmoor and above up to (but not including) .50 cal.  Please see zero requirement below.
  • 200 rounds of match grade ammunition.  Home reloads will be allowed in bolt-action rifles, no reloads in gas-operated guns.  No armor piercing bullets of any kind are allowed.
  • Rifle cleaning equipment.  We will have plenty of SEAL 1 Cleaner/Lubricant/Protectant and cleaning patches available for sale at the class but be sure to bring your own rods, brushes, and rags.
  • Shooting pad.  You can use a ground pad of your choice or we will have various cheek pads available for purchase before the course at a discounted rate.
  • Rifle bipod, tripod, and/or shooting bags.  You should have both front and rear (bench and prone) support for your rifle.  For the rear support, you are welcome to bring a mechanical mono-pod or a manufactured or home-made shooting bag/sock (aka bean bag).
  • Rifle cheek piece.  If you rifle does not have one, we will have ones for purchase available and have the materials needed to adjust it during the training.
  • Rifle sling.
  • Pack capable of carrying all your range gear for the day.
  • Personal hydration device (i.e. Camelback, Nalgene bottles, etc.).
  • Appropriate clothing for all weather conditions.  We will train rain or shine.
  • Sturdy footwear.
  • Ear and eye protection.
  • Baseball style hat or appropriate headgear.
  • Camp chair (much of the instruction will be done in a field setting).
  • Pen/Pencil and a notebook.
  • Spotting scope (optional but recommended).
  • Range finder (optional but recommended).
  • Binoculars (optional but recommended).
  • Personal weather station (optional).


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Event Details

Date: July 25, 2025

Start time: 12:00 p.m. MDT

Venue: Silver Spur Ranch, Encampment, WY

Phone: 970-578-0717 x 108

Email: [email protected]