Keeping Kids Safe


May 25, 2025
2:00 PM-4:00 PM
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Category: SKU: KKS-05-25-2025 Tags:


This free, one-hour course is for both parents/guardians and their children. This class will not only bring this important conversation to the table, but give every household simple and practical tools in Keeping Kids Safe. This class is not a “lecture”, but a fun interactive presentation and discussion for both kids and adults. This class does not teach about guns.  This class specifically teaches about gun safety and what children should do if they ever encounter a gun (Stop, Don’t Touch, Run Away, Tell A Grown-up).

Course Information

Children are naturally curious about firearms and without the proper education, they may be tempted to “play” with a firearm they find. Just because kids aren’t asking about gun safety, doesn’t mean they don’t have questions.

As a parent or guardian, it is vital that you have a conversation with your child about gun safety.

Even if you don’t have guns in the home, the conversation is still very important. Kids see guns on TV and movies, in video games, and they just might run into a gun at a friend’s house or maybe another place when you are not present.
So how do you start the conversation?


Liberty Firearms Institute
4990 Ronald Reagan Blvd
Johnstown, CO 80534


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Event Details

Date: May 25, 2025

Start time: 02:00 p.m. MDT

End time: 04:00 p.m. MDT

Venue: Liberty Firearms Institute, 4990 Ronald Reagan Blvd Johnstown, CO 80534

Phone: 970-578-0717 x 108

Email: [email protected]